Nov 12, 2009

Wanaka Urban Downhill Jump Demo

Rider: Sam Proctor
Photo: Sam Walker

The Wanaka jump demo organised as part of the highly successful Urban Downhill proved to be a great success. Over the day the drawing crowd of spectators were treated to a diverse display of freestyle mtb/bmx from both locals and out of town riders who had travelled from all around for the demo.

Initially however the event was under some doubt, waking to a light but persistent drizzle I found myself worried that my travel all the way from Dunedin had gone to waste! However I made my way down to the main street at around 8oclock to join fellow Shoosh Cycles team member Tom McPherson where in the now patchy but noticeably heavier rain we set up the freestyle ramp supplied by Reaper Pit Bikes. The ramp was covered in blankets and tarpaulins in hope we could keep it dry until the event!

By 1oclock, to the surprise of everyone the sun had broken through the cloud and created an exciting atmosphere for the riders and spectators. The covers were taken off the ramp and once it was dry it was time to ride!

As spectator numbers grew the riding became more and more exciting. The crowed were treated to back flips, nacs, can-cans and a variety of other tricks. An uncertain morning had become a great afternoon for both riders and spectators, the combination of the jump demo with the Urban Downhill made for a brilliant day of riding and everyone who came went away smiling!

Words: Sam Proctor, Dunedin, NZ

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