Dec 7, 2008

Reuben Miller 1st Place

Top of the south downhill, round 2, Kaka Hill, Nelson.

The forecast for the weekend wasn’t the hottest to say the least. Saturday dawned overcast and pretty grim looking. I arrived up the track about 9. 1st run down and it was nice n tacky. The track had just had some work done on it just above and below the rd at half way so there were some nice wee surprises there. The old 30 foot step down which has been a bit of an icon on this track since 2003 has now gone and been replaced with some nice off camber corners thru trees. Coming out just up the rd from the skid and into a nice off hip jump across the skid. The track then drops away to the left of the skid site and into a right hander followed by a nice wee blind rise to keep you on the edge.

Come 1 it was starting to rain. My 1st run was pretty cautious but nice and clean. I got to the bottom fastest in senior but pipped by Ethan Helliwell by a second or so for fastest time. Kieran Bennett the favorite for the win came down with a sizeable gash in his elbow so it was of to a & e to get stitched up for him.
The rain continued all the way thru. My 2nd run was faster and less of the brakes, the track was alot wetter than the previous run which made for some pretty sideways out of control moments. I managed to beat by previous time by a few seconds and take the fastest time. All in all it was a good race with me in 1st senior, Sam Reid in 2nd and Tom Winwood in 3rd. Big ups to bike hq shop rider Tim Adams for hucking the big double at the bottom on his hardtail, yeah boi!

All in all a good race cheers to the organisers and Chris Mildon as usual, We wouldn’t have a races without him.

And bring on the final round at Ben Nevis. If you haven’t ridden this track then make your way up, its the best hill in nelson these days for anything downhill and will be a cracker. Race day is 6th December. for more info.

Reuben Miller